10 Marks questions:

1 Define bone density, how is it measured? What are the causes, clinical features,diagnosis and management of osteoporosis? (1+2+2+2+3)

 2 What is myxedema coma? Describe its clinical features , diagnosis and treatment of myxedema coma (2+2+2+4)

4 marks questions:

3. What is the diagnostic approach of young onset hypertension and it’s treatment.

4 How do you clinically localize the anatomical level of lesion in spinal cord diseases.

5 Causes,diagnosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation.

6 Describe about megaloblastic anemia.

7 What are the causes, pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of ascites.

One more Elog shared on 31st aug ,3:39pm)

8 Approach to acute pancreatitis.
(Shared on 22nd sep,1:28pm)

2 marks questions:

9 Mention the differences in findings between UMN and LMN lesion.

10) Indications of hemodialysis.

11) Role of sucralfate in treatment of erosive gastritis?
(Shared on4th sep, 7:48am)

12) Mention the renal manifestations of snake bite?

13) causes of portal hypertension
(Shared on 23rd sep ,12:35pm and discussed during postings)

14 clinical features of Downs syndrome

15) post streptococcal glomerulonephritis complications.
(Shared on 23rd sep, 7:45pm)

16 Causes of cervical myleopathy.


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